Eggnog the way Betty Crocker Intended

 Honestly, I have a love of Betty Crocker. I studied Marketing and Betty Crocker is my personal favorite marketing fixture to look into for the rich history. So it's no wonder that because I also love to bake that I also have enjoyed the cookbooks also. So when I saw that Amazon has reproduction/reprint copies of some classic vintage 50's and 60's Betty Crocker Cookbooks, I knew I had to get them.

So now I own a reprint copy of Betty Crocker's Cookbook for Boys and Girls, and a copy of Betty Crocker's Cooky Book. I am super excited to try out recipes from both so I flipped through them and while I have a lot of ingredients for various cookies and the simple recipes, I decided to try out one that intrigued me. Egg Nog. I had never made it before and I'm the only one in the house that likes it. So I made the two serving recipe. It took no time and honestly was impressive feeling sense it was better than I expected. 

It essentially was to beat an egg with sugar, salt, vanilla, milk and to pour the fully combined mix over ice then top it with nutmeg (although I used cinnamon). Super easy and would definitely satisfy the craving for it if you didn't think you could finish a store bought carton. And very much easy enough for a child to make without worry like the book title suggests.

Here is my video I made making it and trying the recipe for the first time:


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