I’m an Ordained Minister! 24 for 24


On February 14th 2023, I became an Ordained Minister. I can now legally officiate weddings!

When I started thinking of things to do to celebrate being 24, becoming an ordained minister was near the top. I knew that I had to save doing it for Valentine’s Day. A day that is fully associated with love and romance.

I think marriage is a great thing to celebrate. The whole ceremony of it and getting to announce to the world that you’ve both found someone you love, is a beautiful thing.

I currently only know one couple who is planning to get married, so I probably won’t get to officiate a wedding anytime soon. But I will be practicing so I’ll be ready once the big day finally comes where I get asked to officiate. I may post a video of me practicing or some writing samples of things I could try to incorporate. For example, maybe it would be fun to try seeing how funny of a speech I could make it. 

Being an ordained minister also gives me the opportunity to oversee other occasions. For example, funerals and baptisms. But marriages are the only events needing to be officially filed that you’re a part of. Sense I was ordained non-denominationally, it kinda makes me think of Father Mulcahy from M*A*S*H, because he oversaw the religious prayers for the soldiers of all faiths. I hope I do not have to go to any funerals anytime soon. 

Back to the topic of love! As someone who would like to get married someday, I’ve never thought about who would officiate it. I’ve thought a lot about who would take on all the other roles- brides maids, friends and family, who’d walk me down the isle- but not officiant. I guess I was assuming it would be a catholic priest. 

But looking into and becoming ordained has made me think a little into what I would want as a bride. I think that I would want someone a little closer to me, like who I’d pick as a maid of honor to officiate. To be fair I’d have to consult with my would be spouse. But having a close friend also be the officiant does sound special. 

For now I’ll have to settle for day dreaming about my own future wedding as well as the ones I might attend as an officiant. One more achievement unlocked!


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